Today my tongue is sore, no cracks they were more like red dots and no white coating. They were on the sides and toward the middle. I smoked when i was 10 until 20 I am now 47. I had pnuemonia once in the mid eighties. I breath very shallow. I have had chronic constipation since i started my job five years ago and have been dependant on laxatives. I started the enemas last week. I dont get the acid reflux any more. But alot of time I just feel like I have heartburn and burp my food hours later when it should have been digested. It seems to go away when I do the enema. I dont eat three hours prior to going to bed at night. But when I do eat my stomach, abdominal area looks like I am seven months pregnant. I usually have halotosis. I have post nasel drip and it is worse when i get in smelly or smoky environments. As my jobkeeps me on the road 5 to 6 days a week. Wehn I drink th eepson slat or se sa;lt meixture in the AM it starts the post nasel drip but thiner. Thanks alot for your time and information. Can you tell me how to make or where to buy the ingredients in the tea/tinture mixtures you mentioned above.