Still Messed Up From Colonix Cleanse
It is now 3 weeks post my Colonix cleanse and I am still a mess - nausea, feeling punky, etc. I have obviously stirred up a hornet's nest inside and need to do something to get things back under control.
About 5 days ago, I started back on the Coptis/Curcuma at night and GCG in the morning. That has helped the right side pain greatly. However, my digestion is all messed up and I get terribly bloated and signficantly more nauseaous right after eating (however I wake up nauseaous as well). I have gone to a bland diet which has helped this (digestion), but not eliminated the problem.
I may have over cleansed??? However, I am thinking that another
Liver Flush may be in order to try to get things under control. Do you agree or should I just try to let time resolve things? I am so sick of being sick since this cleanse and wish I would have never done the Colonix cleanse as I was feeling fine before that cleanse.
I am just at a loss as what to do/try to get my system back under control. Any thoughts are appreciated.