Thanks for the above advice Shelley. I tried the baking soda. It does bring relief, but only minimal. I seem to do well by just eating brown rice and lima beans or peas. If I try to eat anything else, my entire disgestive tract blows up and I feel great discomfort. Yesterday I felt fine and made the mistake of eating vegetarian chili. I felt awful last night and this morning. When I press on my liver area, it feels sore. My lower abdomen feels swollen as well. It then goes away for a while and then as soon as I eat, bam - it comes back again.
I spoke with Julia Chang on Monday. She said I may have blocked stones (not stuck, but blocked) in my gallbladder from my last poor flush. She said it sounds like bad liver congestion also and to take the Chinese Bitters. I have been taking her products for about 10 days now. I am going to try to flush tonight to see if it helps these symptoms abate. I know this disgestive trouble started immediately following my last/poor
Liver Flush several weeks ago. So I don't have anything to lose but feeling this poorly by trying it again. I think I have prepped myself much better this time and hope to have better results.
I hate the thought of going to the doctor and having tests run. But this has been going on two weeks now and it is just miserable.
Do you agree that this mess was possibly created from my poor liver flush? It is just odd that it started right after that flush.
I also did a deep enema on Monday night. Usually I just go once and after that 1st release, is just the water coming back out. This time I went three times and each time the water kept getting darker and darker. There was a ton of chaff and sand that was black, brown, gold and white. I felt great after that enema. But unfortunately it didn't help my current digestive problems!
I appreciate your thoughts.