Re: Dosha query
Mom knows best! :) When you are a Pitta and prone to
Acne problems, very hot, spicy foods become a "Cheat" and not a mainstay.
Acne is not so much about kidneys but liver/bowels/lymph. Kidney toxins don't usually cause acne, altho the skin is often called "the third kidney" that's because of sweat. Sweating out toxins takes some of the pressure off the kidneys. An overabundance of kidney toxins will cause
Body Odor before it causes acne.
It depends on where exactly the
Acne is, but acne is a sign of toxins in the bloodstream that should be filtered out by the liver and lymphs. When the liver and lymphs are not doing their job, you have to cleanse the colon first and foremost, and do lymph management, and perhaps drink Dandelion/Nettle tea to help lymph and liver get rid of residual junk. Acne can also be due to allergic reactions to food and incomplete digestion of fats/protein.