Colonix Week 4 - Feeling A W F U L!!!!!
I am now in week four of of the Colonix bowel/
parasite cleanse. It is kicking me in the backside, that is for sure. I felt great most of week two and then BAM! I have felt horrible ever since (going on 9 days now). Three days ago I passed a small amount of MP - about 4
inches. Not great, but better than nothing. I have been passing
parasites since Sunday. Honey colored clusters with red and white dots inside. Most of these clusters are the exact same size and shape - about 2
inches long. I had about six bm's yesterday morning that were nothing but these critters. My first morning bm was the normal fecal matter. No visible worms yet.
As this is my 5th bowel cleanse, I am not sure why I am feeling so bad. I am fatigued, weak, heavy limbed, anxiety, etc. Everything I felt six months ago that went away. It is difficult to stay focused and want to continue the cleanse feeling so poorly. I am not sure if this is a "get worse before you get better" phase or if the herbs are just too strong for my system. I have the rest of this week to go before I take my 5 day break. Then I am back on for another 30 days.
Has anyone who has taken the Colonix cleanse experienced any week long/feel bad symptoms? All the testimonials on their site talk about increased energy, feeling better than they have in years, etc. So far, this cleanse is just knocking me down. Obviously I am releasing a ton of uglies, which is great. I just hope I start to feel better soon.