Facial tics? possibly caused by parasites? my positive results!
I developed a facial tic this past month, where my eyelids would twitch all day long. I researched the net to find out what caused it, and could not find any definitive statement as to cause. I thought I'd try
parasite cleanse program again, since I've had positive result before.
Note, since I could find no relation on web to facial tics (twitching kind not deer tic(etc) kind ) and parasites, I did not expect it to work. In other words there was no placebo effect at work.
I was shocked, because that night, the twitch in eyelids, had stopped. I only had one eye twitch that night. The next few days, I continued with clease program. Throughout the week my eye would twitch at most once or twice for whole day. After a week, I almost forgot to continue with clease, because the twitching stopped all together!