I have finished my third flush, I felt very calm this time so it was easier. The last one I passed about 400 stones and 3 liver flukes which freaked me out a bit. This time I passed a lot of chaff and maybe 100 smaller stones but I felt so airy and light after this one for a while. Now the old pressure is starting to come back but I am getting an idea how I will feel when I have really cleaned out my liver. I am doing a parasite cleanse now and I have a question. Can you do a liver cleanse when you are in the middle of a parasite cleanse or should I wait the 18 days. For a while my shoulders and arms didnt hurt and I felt very energetic. Since I have indolent Lymphoma, this was a wonderful feeling. I felt healthy inside and so calm. I havent felt that in a long time. It is slowly fading so I know I still have to do more cleansing but so far I have passed about 600 stones altold. I find this flush group to be so helpful. I get a lot out of reading everyones posts. Thank you Nancy