Re: Shelley re. fatty liver
Shelley, thanks so much for your response. My shoulder frozen
on me in Jan. 2003 after eating dinner. I was still taking
calcium supplements then and probably ate a green leafy
oxylate. I was never sure but it came on with vengence and
red, hot and excruiating pain. I sought for answers, visited
alternative practitioners, speent lots on them and not one
said it was my gallbladder. Finally, I found Curezone and
started reading Hulda's book and started liver flushing
in Nov. My Physical Therapist was so impressed with how
far I have come. I have abduction and flexion back and no
pain in the shoulder except occasional now with the Glycine,
Taurine I take for the liver and with liver flushes, I feel
some pressure as the worms, etc. go through the common
bile duct. I have come a long, long way and it has not
been fun!! I am an R.N. and research and research and am
amazed how many people have sore shoulders. None want to
go this route!! My friend just had surgery on hers!!
I had round worms in my bile ducts I am sure and I think
I have (less now!!) dead round worms and tape worms still
in my liver. I plan to do my 9th or 10th flush this week.
I also took lots of Stone Free and think it is wonderful!!
Glycine and Taurine and Milk Thistle have helped me pass
out lots of green, and
parasites also. Thanks again for
answering my question about fatty liver. I now eat almost
no dairy except yogurt which is pasteurized. Maybe I should
stop that also. I eat no processed foods other wise. Bev