Re: OK to do 2nd liver flush?
I too dislike western medicine doctors in general - they have to prove themselves to me, they don't get any special sanctions just for having an MD - I must say the lab tests are very necessary and helpful for proper diagnoses. You can't totally trust them when tehy say there's nothing wrong, but you can trust them when they say that something IS.
If you don't want to see a doctor, see about getting your lab tests done online. may do urine tests, it is important taht we find out what the cloudyness is. Knowing that will let us determine the most appropriate course of action. Just because one takes herbs instead of pharms doesn't mean it's any less important to dose right!
If you do see a doctor, get the nurse to give you a copy of the lab test results and we'll go over the numbers together.
Did you ever get around to drinking a gallon of cranberry juice? That is one
kidney cleanse you can do safely for any situation. Other stronger intervention should only be prescribed with proper diagnoses. If you did drink the juice and the mucous is still there you really should get tested.
I hope I haven't totally stressed you out! It just does NOT pay to take chances with one's health, and early detection is KEY in healing quickly! :)
I really think you should not
Liver Flush until you find out what's going on. Just continue with bowel cleansing.