Re: Question about peppermint oil
Hi prettysoulful
I have not taken peppermint oil for small bowel overgrowth. I have read alot about it though. As a matter of fact , they recommend thyme, rosemary peppermint and a few others. There are products out there that contain all the ingredients.
In any case I have shyed away from because I have had many problems with reflux in the past and I do not want to start that up again. Apparently pepperment oil can weaken the muscle that flips up when you swallow. When this muscle becomes weak it flips all the time the time even when you do not swallow and this allows acid and sometimes food to come up into the esopheagus ( sp). I used to eat peppermints all the time. So this scared me with my severe reflux. ( way back when) So I have not messed with it.
I might try enteric coated.
Bloating is a sign of so many things. It is really tricky to determine what is going on. Bloating can definately be die off. I recently read about what happens when you cleanse the bowel and mucoid plaque will puff up with fluid causing one to be bloated before expelling it. Bloating can also be slow digestion. I feel as though this kind of bloating would occur right after eating.
My guess is that you may have caused yourself some die off in the small intestine. Did you have any gas?