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Re: raw crutch
2dreem Views: 1,860
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 30,637

Re: raw crutch

Its great that your doing a once a week fast. You will learn as you get heavily mineralized by eating raw foods and lots of greens that fasting will become very easy. If you find that you have very bad hunger pangs while fasting you might want to include some green juices or green smoothies as well. Also, a funny thing you might notice as you fast and clean out are lots of flashes of different foods you may not have had in years. I theorize that this is your cells cleaning out the memories of all those old foods. Its kind of exiting to think about it that way, that your cells have memories and as you eat healthy they push out all the bad memories of bad foods to make way for the memories of good foods, like an emotional cleansing for your cells. It may sound far out there but it makes sense to me. Anyway, good luck and make sure to eat your greens!


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