Re: looking for advice...
Short answer- of course
Long answer- Candida feeds off of
Sugar and all things that turn to
Sugar in the body. This includes sugar, simple carbs, fruits and yes,alcohol. As a matter of fact alcohol produces the very same toxic poison - acetaldehyde (hope I spelled that correctly) that the candida also produces. The toxic chemical by-product kills off healthy bacteria leaving room for more and more candida to take over and more and more cravings to feed itself. Though it is difficult to not give in to temptation, it is one of the weapons in effectively starving it out. Alcohol is also a fermented product which is cake to candida.
Sounds like you have done alot to regain your health and I must commend you on that. You will reap rewards from your hard work. You might want to try pb& c shakes ( psyllium,
Bentonite ( to remove toxins) and caprylic acid which kills off the yeast. The only way to get rid of the cravings is to get rid of candida. These shakes have literally saved my life and I highly recommend them. It can take months, but you will most likely feel no ill effects other than die off of candida. Warning- candida releases a burst of these toxins when dying off, so it can make you feel crappy, give you more cravings and bloating in the interim. One just has to stick it out through this and you will come out the other end healthy. It is well worth it.
Also, if you suffer rom anxiety and
Depression , in addition to HTP-5 ( which is great) , try adding soem calcium and magnesium and a quality multi to your routine. Since candida does steal many minerals from the body to feed itself and leaves us depleted. Any , yes, molybdenum as mentioned by prettysoulful helps the body rid itself of the poison.
Keep up the good work.