Re: OK, here it is. . .
Hi Andy,
I am afraid that at this point I know no more about the answers to these questions than you do, but I can speculate. . .
I used Candex at least 6 months last go-round. Personally, I would not be going off Candex now if he had not suggested I do a rotation, because, as you say, it is working, and why mess up a good thing? So, I am kinda doing his suggestion on faith, as he has a good track record with me. Belive me, if I feel overloaded, I will stop iummediately and go back to plan A! One reason for rotating, tho, might be in case there are other pathogens or yeast strains, as I understand different antifungals can target different "bugs" specifically, but I am just guessing as to that being his reasoning - I didn't think to ask, if you can imagine that.
I am not sure he is thinking of Candex as a precursor (but I kwow what you mean. . .), but he did say that he is impressed with the fact that it is taking such a mild antifungal to work. He is probably thinking I may get some "insurance" out of going at it just a tad harder. But I have to emphasize, harder is not better unless you are ready for it, believe me!
You are welcome anytime.