I used 6 cloves of garlic blended in the blender with water for about a minute and strained. This was part of Dr. Schulze 's routine known as the "Cold Sheet Treatment". A long tortuous procedure where you take the garlic enema, then get into a bath full of large amounts of ginger, mustard and red pepper, to the point were it burns your skin. You sit in the bath for at least 15 minutes. Then with others helping (by this point your about passing out) you get out of the tub, and are wrapped in cotton sheets that were soaked in ice. Then you are covered up with several more blankets and are supposed to "sweat it out" for several hours. Dr. Schulze says that many amazing healing experiences have happened to people during this treatment. I believe him. But it was to much die off in one shot for me. Of course you should keep in mind that I had severe candida and was just starting treatment when I did this. The funny thing is, I eat raw garlic as a part of my regimen, and have never gotten the least bit of die off from this.