Re: Dysbiosis My Theory
Sorry Shroom I don't agree with you. Inflamation is usually one of the results of infection or other allergen/irritant. As in stuff leaking through a leaky gut. Inflamation does not cause dysbiosis. But there is this doctor I think his name is Dr. Pericone that bases his diet on controling inflamation. He would divide foods into those that cause the most inflammation to least.
I think the cause of dysbiosis is the usual culprits. Environmental toxins. In the presence of these toxins the good bacteria don't thrive. Or at least very hard to reastablish. Bad bacteria and yeasts can be symbiotic too. Feeding of each others muck. These bacteria excell at surviving in very hostile environments. they are resistant to most of the envirnmental toxins.
The good microbes strength lies in being ther first and being able to proliferate and appropriate resources at a much faster rate. When established they cause the bad bacteria to become dormant or knocked out but not killed. If good bacteria actually killed bad bacteria then we should be able to turn spoiled milk to sour.
The good bacteria need to be first on the scene when spots open up in the digestive system. So the winning formula with probiotics is timliness and quality not quantity.
As for the
Antibiotics . For well established cases
Antibiotics may be a necessary evil. Sometimes the body just needs a little assistance. and No food diet... I have good success with this also. The thing is you might not be able to keep that up for long enough. What I did use is to limit food intake, space meals at least 4 hrsand no snacks, no eating 4 hrs before bedtime, and eat food slowly and deliberately eating protiens last(takes time for stomach acids to build up to strength). The idea is to digest the food as completely as possible before it gets to the colon. So there won't be much left for the bacteria to feed on.
I havn't tried the enteral formulas. Although I was looking for them earlier. So I came up with the method above.
I also want to talk about the appendex and mucus membrane - (where bad bacteria like to hang out) and excericize. But will include in another post