Re: HuGe Progress! Just Passed a huge clump of candida
Hi Queta
Actually I already had the psyllium and bentonite. All I needed was the liquid caprylic acid which I got on Amazon. It's by Innovite
I looked around the net and found that the liquid caprylic acid is way expensive. This was the least expensive without buying a huge amount. I wanted to see if it would work first. And it did! I have actually gotten 4 more big huge amounts out of me in the last few days. It is so big I can hardly believe my eyes. No wonder I was so sick. I just simply was not doing enough to get rid of it. I mean I was seeing strands in my bowel movements but at the rate I was going it would have been a long long time before I felt any better. As soon as I started doing the caprylic acid in the p & b shakes, about 6 days later it started coming out. And it just keeps coming. I can hardly believe my eyes when I see it. It monstrous. And I am feeling better and better.
I had been on the diet for eons and was taking GSe and coconut oil and only getting minimal results. Since p & b works mechanically to pull out candida and the caprylic acid in the shake allows it to permeate the gut lining where the little suckers hide, I have found this to be a huge revelation in my treatment.
My opinion is that stubborn long standing case needs other methods to get rid of it. Diet, chemical, physical.
I might also add that I have been doing plain warm
water enemas and the candida is just pouring out after these enemas.
If one has candida, I do not see how this would not work. If this does not work I would have to say something else is wrong. See, I kow I have candida, because I had it before and I have many of the same sensations x 10 in intesity though.
Give it a try, it's working for me and I was a tough tough tough long standing case