gluten intolerance / candida cause of visual disturbance??!! P&B shake info!
I am in the middle of treating candida. i started out with threelac and the candida diet and am now on to P&B shakes, threelac and acidophillus (excuse spelling!)
I have stopped eating yeast bread wheat but was wondering if anyone has any experience of wheat / gluten allergy causing visual static spots flashes floaters etc??
Also, i felt well again for the first time in months only to wake up this morning feeling totally dreadfull again. I am assuming this is either a reaction to a food i am allergic to excaserbated by leaky gut syndrome or die off symptoms (that seem to have been going on for a very long time!)
Anyone got any ideas.
Further more, does anyone have experience of using p&b shakes successfully to produce candida / mucoid plaque? If so how do you feel after the candida / mucoid plaque is gone? noticably better?
Regards, a rather tired and weary...