Re: Nothings working, suggestions?
I am not an expert by any means, but I have been helped a lot by trying Moreless' suggestions on the Alkaline/Acid Forum. I too spent hundreds (no thousands, over the years) on supplements to no avail. Since using some of Moreless' suggestions (detox bath, blackstrap molasses with ACV and kelp drink,
Epsom Salts , etc.) I have improved. People have been telling me that I look better, too (because I always looked sick and bloated, especially in the face.) In fact, I was getting wrinkles prematurely because my face was puffed out all the time and stretching the skin. I am also using Candex and Primal Defense probiotics, and no other antifungals because it seemed like they weren't doing any good. Moreless' suggestions have helped me more than anything else! I also do colonics, and yes they are expensive. I know they do help, but they didn't come close to curing me until I did the alkalizing stuff. I did notice with the
colonics that my eyes are much clearer afterward (less bloodshot and yellowed) and I lost 7 pound after the first series. (I'm now too skinny, but what can you do?)
Good luck,