Candida is the result of an over acidic body. When your Ph swings out of balance and you become too acidic, good microbes die (
Antibiotic etc also kill goodies) and bad ones set up house. Quite simply these baddies thrive in an acid environment. When you hear about bad 'mycotoxins' (myco, meaning 'fungus)this refers to the candidas waste produce (like poo!), and that poop causes havoc as its posinous to the body.
The other txin is exotoxin (this time exo meaning bacteria, i.e bacteria waste produce).
While some good bacteria cannot thrive in an acid medium, I would still recommend taking pro and pres along the way, to replace any dead 'bad' colonies, as some will still be of benefit in terms of setting up residence.
Thats why ozonated water, made using an ozonator or H202 drops is soo good - acid cannot tolerate oxygen.