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Re: What is a tofu substitute?
  Views: 8,428
Published: 19 y
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Re: What is a tofu substitute?

my sense of the trouble with soy generally, is the genetic modification, firstly, and also, the estrogenic qualitites of soy. We get far too manay phyto-estrogens already, just in using plastic containers, bags, cooking in plastic(!!) not to mention eating microwaved food (almost all restaurant food) which is most often cooked in plastic wrap....and on and on.

Estrogen is a *real* problem...not only for women. The shocking thing for a lot of people to realize is that doctors have been pushing hormone replacement therapy, insisting women need more estrogen, when in fact it's usually the reverse that's true.
( and the lack of progesterone, coupled with the rising levels of estrogen create untold trouble.

This is off-topic from tofu (maybe) but a good beginning study in this area, is to
read "What your doctor may not tell you about perimenopause". ( peri = the time before
and around menopause)

The book's not the last word on estrogen, but a good eye-opener.


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