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Re: 26194, did he use the homeopathic recipe?
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Re: 26194, did he use the homeopathic recipe?

I had also been thinking along these lines. In fact 4 days ago I took my first sip. Pretty difficult but not as bad as I had thought. I am starting very slowly to work up to a full glass a day and see if I can take it any further. I must say my energy is really good and it seems to taste less bitter by the day but I am not taking very much yet. If you would like I will keep you posted on my progress. I am also considering trying a urine enema and have been using it on my face which really does seem to be doing wonders for the mild Acne I have.

Just so you know what state I was in at starting point if you want to monitor my progress. Suffering with candida for approx. 15 years. Self diagnosed 8 months ago. Started diet and yeast killing. Lessening of symptoms but not much progress. Started seeing a naturapath 3 months ago who told me to stop with the yeast elimination for now as my body couldn't cope with all the dead stuff. He put me on a heap of stuff to repair the stomach, address severe adrenile exhustion and support the liver and immune system. I can't tolerate any of his stuff - it sent my system nuts and all my candida symptoms came back [this includes FATIGUE, vaginal thrush, coated tongue, athletes foot, anxiety, Acne erruptions etc.] as well as some bizarre clusters of blisters a very sore hard lump behind my ear and offensive body odour. Out of desperation I read everything I could find re: urine therapy and after the initial mental barriers decided to give it a burl. I should also say that two weeks ago I stopped all my herbs for now and just topically and locally treated the symptoms. Before I started on the UT the athletes foot was almost gone, anxiety relieved a little [I think that was due to the herbs] but vaginal thrush persistant.

Maybe this will give you some courage to try it. Or just to wait and see what happens with me.


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