guidance needed - candida protocol
hello all!
I am fairly new to this and am looking for some simple advise.... I want to start on a candida diet regimen,but need to know the basics. I know no
Sugar or fruit, no alcohol, caffeine, etc... no starch (like potatoes), but what can I eat besides leafy greens??? Can I eat other veggies like carrot, beetroot, squash??? how about nuts and whole grains???
Also - what about the anti fungals? How many times a day do you take them? before or after food? how often to rotate???
What about aloe vera juice and probiotics???
A bit about me - in 2003 I was diagnosed by a naturopath in australia for having systemic candida. At the time my habits were very bad (drinking lots of alcohol, poor eating habits, etc). I was too entrenched in my habits to make a change - I was constantly bloated and had vaginal yeast discharge - I was also exhausted! in 2004 I did a month long ayurvedic cleanse in india which cured me of most symptoms!!! I was finally free of the discharge! Now in 2006 I have done the master cleanse, have been getting regular
colonics and have been cooking homemade organic fresh meals for myself almost everyday! Boy - my lifestyle has really changed...BUT, now I am showing signs of candida again (bloating after I eat anything and a bit of discharge)... since I am new to cleansing - I am unsure of how to heal myself... but this time I am mentally ready - I am ready to be healthy and take charge of my life again!!! Thank you to all who have any advise for me!!!!