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Re: liver cleanse with devastating results -To Tina
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Re: liver cleanse with devastating results -To Tina

Hi Tina,
Any time a person trys to remove Toxins from their body, this action causes an Acidic condition to exist in much greater amount than before they started to remove the Toxins from their body!!

For the Toxins are very Acidic in Nature as a general rule!!

What are you doing to Neutralize these Acids which are being released into your body as you try to flush them out of your body???????????????????????

I notice that most people on here who are having great problems are not aware of this problem or what to do about this problem, so suffer so greatly and needlessly!!!

Something you may do to neutralize a large amount of the Toxins as they are being released from your body is this:

Buy some pickling Lime ( calcium hydroxide )from the grocery store in the canning section and one gallon of distilled water and take them home.

Now take only one tablespoon full of the calcium hydroxide and add it to the one gallon of distilled water and mix it up.
This gallon is now your dilute mix of Lime water.

Now each day take one tablespoon full of this Lime water and add it to any drink you are going to drink and take one small pinch of Epsom Salt along with it, but do not take enough Epsom Salt to give you the scoots.

If you are having real problems then you may want to take this with each drink you have during the day, you be the judge.

If you get enough of this calcium hydroxide into your body, it will neutralize the Excess acids which are causing you so much problems and help you to feel better!!!

But you will have to get used to the taste, I guess you will have to decide if the taste is less of a problem than all the pain you are having??

Smile Tis your choice.


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