Treelover, what are you doing to yourself? Its sound like you have a bad case of indegestion. If you think you have a liver problem go to your Doctor and have him give you a fasting liver profile (they are accurate). I would lay off this cleansing stuff and try eating some food. This type of cleansing and worry can wack your immune system and you could get sick. Don't take any supplements for a little while and eat a bland diet for a few days. Then eat some FOOD! If you are having clay-colored stools or jaundice see your doctor right away. Otherwise take it easy for the next few days and I am sure you will feel better by the weekend. You can overdue taking to much herbs. If you are really worried I would see your doctor. I am sure though he will tell you the same thing. So if I were you I would see how you felt in a few days. Good luck & stop worrying!