19 y
Green juices anti-candida? A juice fast maybe? Thoughts???
I wonder if anyone could offer me their thoughts on whether a juice fast might be able to be used to get a good start on eliminating candida.
I have done 1 week juice fasts before, limiting fruit to one green apple a day, and using 1 beet or 1 carrot on alternate days. (I know carrots and beets are good food, but their juice tastes quite sweet to me which is why I limited them). I juiced garlic and ginger a lot too, figuring their juice would be anti candida.
Raw cabbage comes up recommended on every anti candida diet I've come across. How about the juice? It tastes almost sweet to me (though after several years of no
Sugar everything tastes sweet!)...and I find that easy to drink. Parsley and
Celery are easy tio drink too. Cucumber is tolerable, and broccoli stalks. Spinach, kale etc I find a bit more difficult to actually enjoy...but if it was all for a good cause I'd find a way to make it a main part of a 7 day "fast".
I know ppl with longstanding candida probs are supposed to be depleted in certain minerals etc (eg magnesium, potassium), which is why I wouldn't (couldn't!) attempt a water fast...but how about if I juiced green veges rich in these particular minerals?
Previous fasts I've taken psyllium too, and done salt water flushes, eliminating (along with mucoid plaque) white cotton ball stuff that I've been told may be candida. The appeal of a juice fast for me is partly the way in that I am able to cleanse the bowel quite effectively at the same time.
Am I wrong to be thinking that cabbage, cucumber, spinach juice etc. won't simply be feeding the candida???
Would love to hear opinions on this.