Re: ? for raw vegans and Lapis
Hi Nataliela,
The cause for your problem of bloating and gas may be caused by only one thing.
If the digestive system is not working properly, this may be the cause.
Now what may cause this to be so?
In your case it more than likely is from foods which contain NPN- Non Protein Nitrogen!!
This stops proper digestion, because it is free Nitrogen which the plant did not convert into the proper Amino-Acid complex protein!!!!!!!!
What does NPN do in the body???
NPN stops the blood from carrying OXYGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now just what happens when you run out of OXYGEN????????????
What causes the plant to have NPN in it in the first place???
"IF" the vegetable is not allowed to vine ripen, but picked GREEN, this is one of the causes!!!!!!!!!
"IF" the vegetable is fertilized with mostly NPK fertilizer, as most is, then this causes a Lack of the needed Alkaline Minerals to be in the plant, especially the needed Trace Minerals, and then the plant may not have a proper conversion of the Nitrogen into the proper Protein of an Amino-acid complex with the proper Alkaline minerals!!!!!!!!!
The best hope for you is to learn to buy foods which are allowed to vine ripen as much as possible, unless you learn to grow your own?
If you are eating cucumbers, you may need to find better ones, because they are one of the Worst culprits of this problem!! Cucumbers tend to carry high amounts of Potassium Nitrate, and much of this may KILL you !!! For it stops the OXYGEN from the blood in the greatest way!!!!!!!!
But all Fruits and Vegetables which are picked Green , will give you this problem!!!!!!!!!
Smile Tis your choice.