Re: Convinced of stomach acid's role
Qwer, Shroom et al,
I also think enzymes hold the key to healing (along with proper diet and probiotics)
I've been experimenting with enzymes for the past year. This is what I've found:
Wobenzym -- between meals -- really helps with aches and pains. It's primarily meant to work systemically. This is one of the few supps I've taken for more than a year -- it's a keeper.
HCL betaine -- with meals -- made my lower abdomen burn and normally I have no pain there so I stopped.
Mixed plant enzymes -- tried several brands with varied results. It's definitely helped digest food (more firm output if you know what I mean). But they seem to lose their ground after a few weeks. Recently switched to a professional brand (Thorne) and had an immediate STRONG reaction 12 hours later -- like I started a war in my lower abdomen. I had chills, slight fever, intense cramps....... BUT no more spaciness, or the usual Candida symptoms. Strange. However, I couldn't continue because of the abdomen discomfort. I can't figure out if the discomfort is just a healing reaction or a bad thing......
I've also tried the so-called "Candida" enzymes including cellulose which didn't really do much for me.
I'll keep trying new enzyme preparations and will report progress if any.