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garden veggies revisited
rlm79 Views: 1,342
Published: 19 y

garden veggies revisited

how many of you are still taking these?
what were your results with them?

i looked back and it appears two people, dsaxt and another user seemed to have stopped posting on the boards since getting good results from these.

i just started taking them again three days ago and i believe i am going through some massive die off. i started last year but felt really lousy and didn't want to spend the holidays going through die off so i quit. i decided i was strong enough to try them out again and i am achey all over, have headaches, pure exhaustions, severe digestive issues, etc. and i am trying to figure out if it is die off or not. does anyone think any of the ingredients in them could actually be bad for candida?

2 capsules contain:
Total Carbohydrate less than 1 g
Proprietary Vegetable Juice Blend:
Parsley Juice Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Spinach Parsley Juice Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Wheat Grass Juice Powder, Brussels Sprout Juice Powder, Asparagus Juice Powder, Broccoli Juice Powder, Cauliflower Juice Powder, Beet Juice Powder, Carrot JuicePowder, Cabbage Juice Powder, Garlic Juice Powder 900 mg
Other ingredients: Plant-derived cellulose (capsule).

what has been the rest of your experience with them?


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