Probiotics And Candida Cure
The question has been asked several times on this board, "can large doses of probiotics alone cure candida"? From my personal experience, I would have to say no.
For the last four months I have stayed on a strict candida diet and taken megadoses of probiotics. I culture my own yogurt, vegetables, and ferment my own kefir from grains. Every morning I have had 6
oz of SCD legal yogart, a cup of fully fermented kefir, and about a cup of fermented vegetables. Every day I have been dosing my body with trillions of live lactobacteria. I am sure that all this fermented foodstuff has helped my health in general. But has all that probiotic food cured my candida? No, despite all that ingested probiotic food, healthy colonies of lactobacteria have NOT been established in my intestines. I have concluded that, in my case at least, candida levels MUST be driven down significantly before lactobacteria implantation can take place.
I am now trying a treatment of caprylic acid along with continued probiotic megadosing. Hopefully this approach will allow a much overdue exit from the cruel labyrinth of candida.