Re: Grapefruit Seed Extract
Hi Sunshine,
I get my
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract from and use the NSI brand in capsules. I find it inexpensive. I also use the liquid from Nutribiotics and I get that from
I was taking one capsule per day, but decided to take two in the morning and two in the early evening (I take a probiotic at bedtime), and about two weeks later, my chest started to break out in a very itchy rash. It was a fungus, like yeast, and I think the
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract is causing it to come to the surface. I've been using organic coconut oil to soothe the area and mixing a couple of drops of
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract into it. That inflammed the area, (painful and deep itchiness), and the next day, it had dried up and is coming off in thin chunks of dead skin leaving those areas smooth and free of the rash.
This week (week three) I had a very weird bowel movement. For a few days I could feel activity, gurgling and movement in my intestinal track. I got very mild cramps like those associated with bowel movements, and then I did some "potty fishing" and my bowel movement was mixed up with something very fleshy looking, and a lot of some type of white coating. I have looked at every pix on the web that has to do with yeast, but couldn't find anything that looked like what I had passed.
I think I have passed a parasitic mound of some sort that had alot of yeast surrounding it. Other bowel movements have had this yeast coating, but much less of the fleshy stuff. This has been going on for three days, and I'm hoping it is the results of taking the GSE and getting rid of yeast.
I hope you have success!