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The great Gluten/Oatmeal debate
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Published: 19 y

The great Gluten/Oatmeal debate

Hey guys,

I know there is alot of debate about eating oatmeal because it has/might have gluten. Well this is the oatmeal i have been eating and am wondering what everyone thinks. Here is there FAQ.

Here is the part of interest:

Gluten Free
Are McCann's Oat products gluten free?

All McCann’s oat products are processed in a dedicated oatmeal mill that handles only oatmeal. In the supply chain between farm and mill, there is a possible cross contamination with other grains, such as wheat and barley but we reckon that the level of non-oat grains to be less than 0.05%. Cleaning equipment within the milling process would remove the vast majority of these grains along with other elements such as stones, straw etc.

But we cannot guarantee that McCann’s oats are totally gluten free and we recommend that consumers use their own judgement as to whether they wish to use our oatmeal or not. Many celiacs can tolerate our oatmeal products without any adverse effect but they may not suit those who are particularly sensitive.


So what does everyone think? Is it OK to eat this oatmeal on the Candida Diet? I hate to have to cut this out as well as to be honest i am scared to eat anything anymore. I have lost over 40 pounds and people are starting to ask questions that i don't feel like explaining. Thanks alot!


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