I agree - candida causes the thyroid problem. I'd say even more: die-off causses an extra stress on the thyroid and this is when your body temperature goes down.
Unlike you I do not believe in antifungals to heal candida. Most candida locates itself in the guts, in the sinus, in canal treatment, that is everywhere an antifungal would not be effective. To heal candida implies killing candida in its adult form, beginning with the bowels and, to me, the P and B shake is still the best way to do it.
We insist a lot on probiotics. We do not talk much about biotin. BIotin is a chemical that healthy bowel flora would produce and it keeps candida from locating itself in the bowels. Anyhow, if you go for your program keep in mind that antifungals will not interfere with biotin.