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Re: Constipated from Vegan diet!
moreless Views: 14,871
Published: 19 y
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Re: Constipated from Vegan diet!

You need to understand what different things cause constipation, and then you may solve the problems.

Constipation most of the time may be caused by too much protein destroying the friendly digestive flora and a person will have combinations of maybe the scoots first then constipation or vs, and this kind of constipation may be solved with an enema to clean out the colon and then changing the diet.
In this case the Epsom Salt is very important to take , may I just say that Epsom Salt is important in All cases!!

Then one may get constipation if ones body becomes Too Alkaline and does not have enough water retention, in this case one may just drink more water, and some Sea Salt may help in this case if the body is short of the minerals that are in the Sea Salt you choose to take, but without water the Sea Salt will not help.

Sea salt is totally different than Epsom Salt!!

The sea salt would only work in this case if the cells in the body had an incorrect Sodium / Potassium ratio which in certain conditions may cause the constipation, if other diet problems existed.

But the constipation is mostly the result of not drinking enough water and the Acid Alkaline pH Balance being off because of the diet.

Sea salt will not do what Epsom Salt will do!!!!!

Smile Tis your choice.



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