Re: Question about my 2 year old
Good thing you kid did not like the rice milk, must commercial rice milk is full of rice syrup=
Sugar that will feed candida. Here is the recipe for rice and nut milk, chances are he will not really like it, but you might enjoy it. Here are the recipes:
Green poop is a GREAT thing. It means that some extra bile came out, bile will kill all the bacteria and fungus on its way. Green poop means the liver has endeavour a small liver flush. So not only does the bile kill all the bad stuff on its way, the old bile is flushed out which forces the liver to produce brand new - more effective- bile. All good news. The darrker the poo the better, tan colores poo is of some worries (but common with candida).
Because the milk came out, and the liver felt the need to flush there must be some bacteria in there. You might want to try to warm up the milk (just before a boil) so as to kill the bacteria, like we do when we make yogurt.
Actually, nature yogurt with water to make it up to a drinking consistency.... with vanilla for taste... would be ideal. Milk should be avoided with candida. No milk products BUT yogurt.