i wish i had a good answer for you. congratulations on your first one though and it sounds like it was very successful other than the cramping! i wonder if you really disturbed those buggers pretty good and they could cause die off symptoms in the intestines...not really sure though. i don't like to use die off as a reasoning for all strange pains because you never know if it could possibly be a bad reaction. what type of probiotics did you use? maybe they were too harsh for you right now and you should try a different type of enema first. i bet jhan would really have a good answer for this one. hopefully they will get easier as time goes on but i definitely wouldn't do another until the cramping subsides. did you eat before you did it or did you do it on an empty stomach? someone told me to make sure i hadn't eaten for at least three hours before. i am going to try on saturday morning. do you guys actually do these things in the bathroom? my bathroom is too small to lay on the floor but i definitely want to be near a toilet just in case i need to get rid of anything immediately!!