Re: OB/GYN tells me candida is absolute crap!
It is very hard to make others grasp this illness. I think it is because it sounds like
Science fiction. And people are taught to believe in medical doctors , so if they go to a dr. and ask about it and get told it does not exist , many will not question any further and take the dr. word as law. But in our case, we know differently because of our experiences. My family has a few medical issues and I have seen dr. make many critical mistakes. A family member who gets intestinal blockages grequently was once given a drug to stop them from vomiting whihc could have killed him. When you have a blockage you vomit to relieve pressure, if you are mad eto stop vomiting your intestine could burst. Luckily he had enough sense to refuse the med. ONe time I went to a hospital for a colonscopy. I was so dehydrated I was near death from the gallon of junk they made me drink. I kept telling the nurse I was dehydrated and she said , "oh honey everyone feels like that". She would not listen and I was too weak to fight with her. When the shift changed and I got a new nurse, I needed hours of iv's before they could even do test. It was very dangerous. Every single time I have been ill with anything, they can never find what is wrong but readily offer some kind of meds. We all need to ealrn that medical
Science is very limited in scope and is great for somethings...only some appendicitis, or pneumonia, diabetes etc. The standar illnesses. Anyhting else and you are on your own.