Re: OB/GYN tells me candida is absolute crap!
i cured my ovarian cystitis by killing off most of my candida. the dr wanted to do surgery. i said no. boy was i glad i said no. they make it sound so simple. to them it is. they get to line their wallets and you get the raw end of the stick with the pain and the domino effect of the surgery screwing everything else up, not to mention all the money you just spent, and for what???
Almost every symptom (if not all) i've had has stemmed from candidiasis. In the beginning I used to tell drs about what i thought i had and they'd just blink and ask me if i had AIDS. So i was tested and negative for AIDS, so they said i couldn't have candidiasis. You just want to slap somebody silly and knock some knowledge into them. So I jsut gave up and don't tell anyone about it anymore.
The American Medical Association and the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies don't want our health to be in our hands. They want us to be sick so they can make money. They don't want cures for anything. They want ongoing treatments. There are many fights going on in this country and overseas in europe concerning this subject. We won't give up and we won't give in. We want our health choices and health management to remain in our hands. This is what the health advocates on our side of the fence are saying.
Aside from all that, doctors only parrot what they've been taught by the AMA (oversees the universities, among other duties) and the drug salespeople. If they don't follow "THE BOOK" they will get black balled. They fear getting their licenses revoked after many years and much hard work at school and money spent.