Re: antibiotis--the cause?
Reading further about virii, that link is so interesting.
Gotta try vitamin C mega dosing (~30g) around the clock for a few days.
In fact the antiviral capacities of vitamin C seem very high. I've searched for common virii such as measles, herpes, cytomegalovirus and hepatitis B and all had talks about the use of high dose vitamin C.
I wonder if in fact colds are not easily curable if high dose vitC is used all-around the clock. The studies just use a few grams taken in a few times during the day...
Maybe candida is a "super yeast". But what makes it settle in the first place is a lowered immune response in the intestines.
My new theory of what happened to me seems to be more complete now:
Mercury in vaccines lowers immune system, + mercury from mother (she has amalgams).
Some live virii in vaccines get a chance to establish, plus some common virii that infect almost everybody. I often had cold sores on the corner of my mouth when I was younger. The immune response to theses virii can affect the blood brain barrier and activates some auto-immune response. I guess that this alone could lead to more heavy metals in the brain, and more oxidative stress in general.
A compounding effect somehow leads to many ear infections. I think the measles virus can do that, a host of other factors can do it.
I wasn't breast fed, and I've been treated with
Antibiotics many times for ear infections when I was very young. This lead to a weak intestinal tract. This alone could lead to candida, which could lead to virii.
My digestion went havoc in my teens. I had a very weak appetite when I was younger, and my appetite growed a lot in my teens. This could have activated the measles virus, and maybe candida only happened at that time. There are links made between IBD and the measles virus.
I might be seeing the light.
In the past I said that I was expelling candida, but I had trouble maintaining that diet and the intestinal inflammation came back. Now I think I'm ready to fight back.