it stands for human papilloma virus. it is a hard thing to explain because it is different for every person. it can turn into genital warts or eventually turn to cancer but most people it is just there as abnormal cells and clears up as time goes on. it all depends on how your body reacts to that abnormality. apparently it is extremely common and most people have it and don't even know they do. men can't be tested for it and since most don't have any skin reactions they just go passing it around to other people. it was explained to me that is like passing the common cold around whatever that is supposed to mean. basically it is a very hard thing to prevent because condoms may not even protect you from it...that is unknown as of right now as far as i know. almost every single person i know has it or knows someone who has it and i was told your body eventually just fights it off itself and you eventually go back to having normal paps.
but i am kind of upset because i thought the reason i am getting this coloposcopy was to determine what exactly the abnormality was and if it was anything to be concerned about...and this nurse practitioner who did my pap is telling me it HPV because that is what a pap smear is check for HPV. well my mom had an abnormal pap and didn't have that, my friend had an abnormal and didn't have it either. i mean it is very likely it is the case with me since it apparently is so common now but i am really angry that she is the doctor and i know more about a pap smear than she does!! i just hope everything turns out ok with my next test and if it doesn't i guess i will just have to deal with it and hope that my next pap comes back normal.