Re: abnormal pap smear - P.S.
yes the docs are frustrating alright. i haven't been rated 1,2,3 etc. yet. the initial pap came back abnormal and i have to get a colposcopy to determine what the next step is. i asked the doc a few questions and she goes, "it means you have HPV" and i said well i read abnormal cells can be caused by numerous things, yeast being one of them and she said to me "that is what a pap smear is, a screening for HPV"
now what i wanted to say to her is listen here you moron, a pap smear is a screening for atypical cells that could mean anything, hpv, precancerous cells, cancer, inflammation, bacterial vaginosis, etc.
But she claims all it is, is an HPV screen. my mom had an abormal pap once years ago and this was before they even knew what the heck HPV was so this lady does NOT know what she is talking about! now she may be right and it may be HPV afterall but that is not the only thing a pap smear is for!
well thank you very much for your reassuring reply. even if it is HPV, apparently that clears up on its own as well. your body just needs to fight it off and apparently it is extremely common these days. although my immune system is so weak now it kinda worries me. i hope it is just yeast but i will find out i guess after i get the colcoscopy. i won't know for another 3 weeks though : (