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Will be speaking to an EXPERT on candida SOON
remi96 Views: 968
Published: 20 y

Will be speaking to an EXPERT on candida SOON

I have been in contact with an expert on Candida. A practitioner that is fully versed on candida as well as nutrition. A medical doctor , naturopath and holistic physician. I will be having an 1 hour consultation with this Dr. in a week or two. I will pick her brain for all the info I can get. I will certianly report back to this board anything I gain for our talk. I will take notes and rovide her with my entire history. Can anyone think of any questions? I am writing down everything I can think of.

What is the deal on nystatin, diflucan, etc do they work or do they only kill off the weaker bacteria leaving the strong to proliferate and case and super bacteria?

What therapies work, chelation, sauna, diet, antifungals ( rotate?). Probiotics , best kind? dairy? etc etc.

Symptom management? increase mineral supplementation, which minerals?

Please add. I have poste donly a small amount of what I will ask.



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