Yes it can make you jaundiced. I think I've had mild jaundice recently due to chelation (bit of yellow in the eyes etc) but it has settled down a bit. More importantly though do NOT take a proper chelator like ALA whilst you still have amalgams!! That's very dangerous. You need to get your
Amalgams out BEFORE attempting any sort of chelation. Also it's advised to wait 3 months before taking ALA. MSM can cause problems for some people as it can mobilise mercury without actually chelating it.
Apart from that, no-one can tell you how chelation is going to affect you (though you could have some tests done to ascertain how well your detox paths are working). You don't know until you try and because of that you should follow the safest protocol taking a very low dose of a chelator at first to test the waters (Andy Cutlers protocol is one of the safest).
Even with
Amalgams out, chelation is hard on the liver. I would say work on supporting your liver for now with the right foods and fats and definitely herbs eg milk thistle, liv 52, artichoke, also lecithin etc. Maybe do some bowel cleansing to rid of what has been stirred up, take plenty of antioxidants like vit c, e, b vits if you're not already. Also seleniun, zinc, magnesium, fish oil. Maybe castor oil packs too and a supportive therapy eg acupuncture.
No I wouldn't approach this in an aggressive manner. After your liver has settled down, then think about dealing with your
Amalgams and chelating after that.
Take care