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Re: Indole-3-carbinol
Qwer Views: 4,190
Published: 20 y
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Re: Indole-3-carbinol

I bough it from and it is not really expensive, 16$ for 1month at a very high dosage.
Did you take the recommended 800mg dosage? (200mg 4 times a day)

The I3C boosts both phase I (mainly) and phase II detoxification, it also contains a lot of sulforaphane which boosts phase II.

I will receive it on monday finally.

That I3C seems to have an effect on the immune system and is a potent antioxydant, plus the effects it has on hormones (esp. estrogen) seem important in the case of dysbiosis, as the bad bacterias (and maybe bad yeasts?) unbind and make us reabsorb the estrogen that normally is excreted in the feces. Calcium glucarate inhibits that binding, and Kombucha seems to have compounds that have a similar effect.

I hope to come back with positive feedback...


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