Prettysoulful posted a link about magnesium and depression. On that page, the author talks about candida, and eventually talks about indole-3-carbinol. He seems to believe this would be a very helpful supplement (in an e-mail he said it was the cure). He is the only one talking about it.
So I just bough some and it should arrive tommorow or friday at worst! At worst, it will be a great detoxification help. The supplement I bough has 200mg and 100mg of broccoli sprouts extract containing about 700µg of sulfarophane, which by the way has antibacterial activity at least against helicobacter pylori, and is known to help the detoxification process. He recommends 800mg of the indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C is a precursor to DIM, and requires some stomach acid to be converted, so I also bough a DIM supplement in case the I3C did nothing, I would at least know why.
I seem to constantly be expelling small threads, I wonder if the yeast is not regenerating as fast as it is gotten rid of... Anyway, I'm interested in the detoxification aspect of the supplement too.