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detox baths...
Alexcena Views: 4,256
Published: 20 y
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detox baths...

Hi : )

Sweating is way to detox the body of heavy metals. Detox baths perform a similar function to saunas and/or aerobic activity. I ensure I perform one of these each week. As candida flourishes in a toxic body, detoxing helps to diminish candida's breeding ground.

Being less than hydrated prior to enccountering high tempertures can lead to dizziness, headaches and nausea. A depletion of electrolytes also would be a good idea to try Emerg-C. It contains 1000 mg of vitamin c in addition to a variety of electrolytes.

In my experience, the more one is affected the more detoxing is taking place, which can be a great thing! Also, keep in mind...that if this protocol is followed and you are feeling too badly (only you would know)...perhaps you could reduce the time you spend in the bath and/or simply ensure you take sufficient antioxydants i.e. vitamins a, c, and e in addition to drinking chai tea and green tea for the remainder of the day -- to help neutralize toxins.

Take Care,



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