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davemason Views: 818
Published: 20 y


hello, you seem to know a thing or two about toxicity. I have an appointment tommorow to have a test done where they take a hair sample and look at the levels of toxins in the body. I'm very curious to find more information about the link between candida and toxicity. About a year ago, i had like 6 fillings put into my mouth, (they used the white kind of filling-don't know if that makes a diference), but right after i felt a slight brain fog - it lasted for about a month but eventually went away- i had forgotten about that. It really frustrated me, and i remember going for a run like everyday to clear my head. I'm wondering if there is a connection. Between then and now there were a few more factors thrown into the mix, ie. Antibiotics and maybe a bacterial infection i got in Thailand, but now as i can take a step back from this i'm begining to think there may be a connection. Your thoughts.... Anyway more specifically, how did you have your toxicity level tested? Mercury is in fillings right?

ps. do you know any good places to read-up on the toxic/candida link?

Anne, you've been very helpful thus far- cheers


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