20 y
Re: Do I have Candida?
thanks for your quick response. One thing, what is
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and where can I find it? Another thing is I mentioned I have a
Body Odor when my symptoms are bothering me. One of these symptoms is that if I don't have a fecal
Body Odor then I usually smell like what I just ate. This is where I don't like the idea of taking garlic that much. Also I did take another course of
Antibiotics for a while because I had an infected ingrown toenail. I took this 6 months prior to taking the
Acne medication. I just thought it seemed like the
Acne medication is what did it because I have heard of
Antibiotics like those causing GI problems. Also the only reason I asked if I could get the test done without a referral is because im sick of going to doctors and they come to the conclusion that nothing is wrong with me. Even my mother thinks I make all the GI problems up in my head but yet she can smell the horrid odors that are released from my body even though I shower twice daily. With the exceptions of what you mentioned what is good foods that I could eat? Right now im dorming in a college so you can guess of what kind of healthy foods I can get my hands on here.