The "textbook" description of celiac symptoms are outdated and false. Depression IS a major symptom of Celiac...just visit the celiac message board and ask someone. You will get a ton of responses on that one. Most people had Depression before diagnosis. The most common symptom of celiac is fatigue. If you do a search on celiac and find the symptoms are diarreah, weightloss and a distended belly then you are looking at a very OLD description of Celiac. Now it is recognized as having over 200 symptoms associated with it. More diagnosed celiacs actually are overweight rather than underweight and less than 1/3 of celiacs have diarreah....more have constipation...some have no GI symptoms whatsoever. This kind of "textbook" thinking regarding celiac is what caused me to go 3 years undiagnosed. I did not want to live anymore and became suicidal...all because of gluten. Some celiacs have attempted suicide. Depression is one of the major symptoms of gluten intolerance. Dont let anyone tell you its not. Visit the celiac message board.
Here is a thread I found from the celiac board which talks a little about the affects of gluten on the mind...there is also a more detailed celiac symptom list on the second page of this thread.