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Re: vision problems
bearcat Views: 2,949
Published: 20 y
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Re: vision problems

Hi Shroom,

Thanks for the kind response! I checked online, and there is mention of floaters in conjunction with candida, so there is a correlation, and you're largely correct. However, I don't know to what extent it is directly causative, as there doesn't seem to be much solid re that. Candida generally flourishes in a host that has a broad spectrum of ailments, from fibromyalgia to endocrine disorders to Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome to low body temperature (related to endocrine) and so forth. You mentioned allergy symptoms, but I don't know to what extent that is caused by candida. The thing is that if you're at a sick period and prone to candida, that is the time when it will most flourish.

IMHO, the individual should of course work on candida if other symptoms are evident, but even if candida is overcome, don't expect the floater problem to disappear. Maybe it will, and that's great, but the problem should be addressed from many angles. There are a few things you can take that are beneficial for the eyes, such as bilberry, lutein which I mentioned, and I also believe astaxanthin. I also see that it can be caused by the onset of diabetes, so that might be an area to explore as well.

I spent over a year on an anti-candida diet, without even any fruit in that time. Candida left, but I did not feel any healthier. I wasn't correcting the underlying problems that allowed an opportunist like candida to flourish in the first place.

I know I'm only speaking from my opinion, but I do know that a lot of people who've kicked around the alternative health stuff for awhile feel the same. The good news is that with each layer I uncovered, I have improved, and outwardly most people would look at me as the picture of health. Still much to be done, but there is light at the end....

But again, I thank you for your correction.


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