I'd LOVE to tell you all more. I wrote on a different area of this forum about it recently and got slammed, although I'm happy to say that a few ordered this product. It is only NOW just beginning to be marketed to doctors, and of course only natural ones want it (groan)....
I'm wordy, so be warned. This is just such a sensitive topic---I've suffered drastically for as long as I can remember. All throughout my teens I was depressed, lethargic, diagnosed with ADD, depression, then bipolar II, anxiety...I had terrible insomnia, blurry vision, an insatiable appetite, fuzzy thinking, low self-esteem and just wanted to die. Suicidal thoughts galore. For years. I'm turning 31 this month...I suffered from hives off and on---through kinesiology I learned from mold---on a chronic basis the last few years. It was and is only getting worse. I could feel it in my brain, even (whatever "it" was).
In recent years I discovered hypoglycemia, then the target: candida. I don't think I still realized how absolutely wretched it was to get rid of, though, considering it had entered my brain like a decade ago, etc. By now I would drag my ass out of bed in the middle of the night for something sweet, when I consciously wasn't hungry. Or even cigarettes-?! My mood swings were a nightmare, I didn't trust any of my own feelings.
I discovered veganism, then raw foods and detoxing. Nothing really improved. I love the lifestyle, but I also want the symptoms to go away. I seemed to be able to keep NOTHING constant, no matter what I was trying at the time. No consistency whatsoever. Everything was a chore. Among other books, I read Robert Young's "Sick And Tired: Reclaiming Your Inner Terrain" (this is the pleomorphic BIBLE!) and just freaked at how seriously ill I knew I was. It wasn't a surprise, though. I felt it.
My friend I met at a living foods center discovered, as a fluke, a doctor who checks bio-terrain and who understands candida and
parasites and stuff. Dr. Davis
http://www.drdavisdcnmd.com He has even helped reverse AIDS, stage 4 cancer, and more. I sent in my urine and saliva, and did the mineral/metal test as well as the hormone test as well. My saliva was a nightmare, my candida was bad (as suspected), and all sorts of stuff was off. MY PROGESTERONE WAS 1/3 OF WHAT IT SHOULD BE! Candida, in later stages, destroys hormones. Sigh.
So I went on the Mineral Force and the Zeta Force, the foundation for everyone. Dr. Davis is a pro, and has had 35,000 patients, many of them "last-chancers", and while I don't agree with a small percentage of his beliefs, I adore the man b/c he's saving my life and gives great bear hugs. Plus, he's not an alarmist, and is extremely on top of his game. He lectures a lot, is a heavy-hitter, and yet will get on the phone when you call. He will see ANYONE long distance, all over the world, and makes a point of staying VERY AFFORDABLE, so please consider using him, too! But I digress. He has been on many research committees, and he will try anything. When he found out about what Dr. Yuri Kronn is doing, harnessing the bio-energy patterns of elements and storing them in specific applications, he tried it. AND WAS AMAZED. Thus he formed Nutri-Link, a line of supplements that are all natural...they are ENERGY. And, to answer everyone's question, they are made of "distilled water, plant-based minerals and trace minerals, fulvic acid (which Dr. Davis is big on, it's all natural, a composting compound found in nature which he believes is something we are all lacking now), and subtle energy. THAT'S IT!
But it's sooo powerful. 2 vets are using it...my friend's DOGS are responding. 1 has had an awful thyroid and ear infection for 2 years that they cannot get a grip on. Both went away, and dogs canNOT %¤#&!§-! I mean, we have blood tests to prove it. And my friend's dogs get an optimum organic raw food diet. She tried EVERYTHING. Most kids do not get such attention!! And another dog has to go on prednisone for skin allergies every year....5 drops of "healthy skin" a day in his food and boom! he's good to go. Just crazy.
Plus, my friend and I are healing. Dr. Davis can hook people up with drops that only dr's get for inner harmony to acute immune. They are based on formulaes designed around the meridians. It's not even about assimilation and all that awful stuff that we are unsure of (you know, whether we are ingesting stuff). Plus, it gets ALL OVER. Within 10 days I had more energy than I had for a long time. My friend was a pessimist---she's seeing Davis for what she feels is an STD. Within 2 weeks she is feeling better (of course she had candida, too...) Right now, I am on ZETA CONCENTRATE, too, which is a concentrated form...I get only 9 drops a day, on top of my zeta. The words are running off the page of the computer these last 2 days...a total sign of die-off!
In answer to your other question, my head is clearer. When I don't "accidentally" smoke a bunch of cigarettes, I have more energy. My moods are getting tamer, thanks to "Calm" drops and being on progesterone for 4 months now. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. MY HIVES HAVE GONE AWAY. I haven't taken a Zyrtec for those dang things in like 3 months!!!! Right now I am going through more die-off. I'm loving it...My head doesn't really feel like it's buzzing with anything anymore. My brain feels still. I know this sounds ridiculous, but candida sufferers are usually familiar with utterly wierd-ass symptoms, so I feel comfortable sharing that. If it helps just ONE person, you know?
This technology, it's totally "star trek". But think of how electricity must have sounded right at the beginning, in just describing it. This is THAT huge, people. I had to tell you all, even though I know it sounds crazy, because it WORKS---and I've tried
Water Fasting for 34 days, etc, and the symptoms just came right back!! If you get it from
http://www.nutri-link.com, then go for it. I'd do Mineral AND Zeta Force, but the Zeta is the "zapper". You take like 1 tsp (I usually did a tbsp) 3x a day. The MF is 1
oz twice a day, but not after 2 or 3pm! It's subtle, but you won't be sleepy!! I'd recommend doing it through Davis, though, if you can. I mean, I had stealth viruses, bacteria, fungi, candida, blood viruses....he has actual footage of blood cells dying and worms crawling out---so gross! And then of the same blood cells on Zeta Force, and you can see how much cleaner it is....it's wild. So, if I can be of any more assistance, I'm tagging this thread, plus I'm at ertarox@hotmail.com Read up on the technology at
http://www.energytoolsint.com We know Yuri, my friend's husband built the vault that he does his magic in. That's how he found out about it---he was all, "What do you DO in there, anyways???" Yuri is one of the top scientists in the world, and was on the "star trek" type projects in Siberia...he had to fast like 60 days before even taking on the "highest learnings". Then he got an idea....and the rest is history! He lives in the next town over. Nice guy, but I feel pretty dumb around him! :-)
Hope this helps! As you can see, I'm honest---I'm just trying to tell people since we finally have some answers in this world. I've got friends with cancer and other friends with candida, another with an STD....I'll BRIBE them if I have to, but I always get the to call sooner or later. It just works. There's nothing like it. Mineral Force will revive cells POST-RADIATION and CHEMO. That's huge. I'm just so glad I found this....if left to Threelac, I'd have to shoot myself! :-O